Rolls Royce and Bentley Tool Tray 1956 - 1965

Silver Cloud “S” Tools

(With kit oriented with the driver on the bottom)
(The bottom row in this photo are tool trays for 1946 - 1955 cars)
Britool or Garrington Sump tool-- (hex shape)
Delco (with logo--5 variants) ignition doe with feeler gauge (absent in V8 motorcars)
Moore and Wright 4 blade feeler gauge (absent in V8 motorcars)
The multi-tool—(2 openings on one end, one opening on the other)
Kismet hex pressure gauge with thumb indention and tyre valve tool
Britool or Garrington small af combo—(SOE/SCE) STRAIGHT closed end, to fit insert
The longer combo--same brands as small one
Wilkinsons Pliers—thin snubnose, not bevel nose; to fit the kit
Exhaust valve tool between pliers handles (absent in V8 cars)
Garrington Jackdaw ADJ spanner. (King Dick 8” ONLY is correct in double headlight cars)
Screwdriver boxwood flat bulb handle
Sparkplug spanner should be plain steel, or dull silver cad (spanner was not chrome until S/C III.) ALL 6 cylinder cars have the same insert.
The right hand drive v8, single HL cars have a thinner insert, with a BUMP for the bulbs, and the driver lies flat.
In the LHD 4 headlight cars, there is a rubber plug that replaces the HL pre-focus bulb, since these motorcars have sealbeam.
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