I am amazed how many people are selling incomplete, incorrect and substandard toolkits, individual tools; and other parts!!!. For important collector cars, I have learned that it is vital to use the proper repair parts, and keep the proper accessories.Some car owners bemoan the loss of value of their car, after they have cut every possible corner. I invite comments and dialogue, from anybody.
EPW TOOL PLACEMENT: UNDER the bonnet Small oiler next to the radiator Next to that is a Tecalemit grease gun, polished brass On top of the wheel well is a brass Nesthill oiler, with curved spout The engine crank is clipped to the inside top of the wheel well Chrome bezel torch is clipped to the top of the firewall, right side TOOL TRAY: 7 variants of the 17 or 18 tool tray 1946-1956, Under the passenger seat, or in an under-dash tray IN The BOOT: Bottle jack/ and handle 3 9” Dunlop tire irons; Kinsman Pump, Hex hubcap tool
For those of us with English cars, buying parts from England is a natural choice. There are lots of stores providing classic car parts. So what are they like? Each time I do business with a Classic car parts supplier, I will share my experience with the shop/supplier.
This time is SCParts in UK.
Web site: http://scparts.co.uk/
I have used SCParts a couple of times, in small scale for my Triumph and also bought a complete exhaust system for my Jaguar. Parts have been good, no problems with them so far (the exhaust system is still unwrapped, though). Deliverance to Norway was normal speed, just about the average one week from order to delivered on the door.
There are two very positive things worth mentioning about SCParts :
1) The catalogues they have are mostly excellent! I’ve just used a few, and I like the simple, still detailed drawings and also they contains some extra drawings that I am missing in competitors catalogues.
2) The adds/marketing material they print is also great, easy to read and see in magazines and online. Good job by marketing.
The parts, as mentioned, seems to be of good quality – as one should expect.
However there is a few black clouds, making SCParts not my first choice.
1) The web shop, or in general the web site, is probably as bad as it can get. I have trouble figuring out how it could be much less user friendly. The design is far from pretty. The part search is fairly fast, that is positive. But it is not really a part search, but a look-up on price for an item number you know. You cannot search for part names, only part numbers. This is all close to class-worst. What a market they are missing from not having a proper web shop!
2) Newsletter and mail contact. Well, this is a chapter for it self. At some point I signed up for the newsletter. And I got them (so that works), but if you dislike receiving a lot of newsletters, this might not be right for you. And if you dislike the fact that it is going to be very hard getting removed from the newsletter list again, then don’t sign up for this one.
I started receiving newsletter from 5 different SCParts senders, plus , and it came in a lot each week. I contacted each of them be removed from the list. I got answer from two of them – from sales and a more professional response from enquiries (which I agreed could send a few). However I still receive newsletters from multiple addresses, and gave up and asked IT to block the sender domain to stop it for good.
There are also a few other stories that made me question their sales force’s knowledge. I was looking for some company to fix my Triumph TR6 engine, convert to lead free top and fit a new cam shaft. Amongst many, I contacted SCParts, they could not do this, which is obviously fine. Some time later I was called up by their sales department, they had a brand new TR6 engine – I could have it for £2k, do I want it? I little hard to decide there and then, especially when the sales person had no knowledge about the motor. Was it set for carburetor or injection, what kind of cam shaft was fitted, what is included. This I/the sales person, newer found out.
This kind of behavior, combined with newsletter and web site issues, does not give a professional impression. Do they really want to project this image? The catalogues and marketing material is great, so it’s odd that the same quality is not to find in the latter areas.
Overall rating: 4 / 10.
This is my just my personal opinions, based on my experience. Your experience might be different, feel free to comment on this. This article will be updated if new information comes to the table. These incidents and experiences have happened in the last three years or so. My article is not about comparing prices, so as long as this is not central to the experience, I will leave this topic out.
Very proud and happy to announce that this blog have over 20.000 readers. I'll continue to post articles about classic cars, hope you will enjoy them :)
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Speakeren gjorde en god jobb med å opplyse og sende bilene ut. |
Tradisjon tro var starten ved Sjøskogen skole bak Vinterbrosenteret. I år var vi tre biler som tok turen fra Sandefjord til Ås for å delta.
Vi stilte med en A-Ford, Mustang og Jaguar – at bilene var relativt vanntette var en fordel, for den kom noen gode skurer. Løypa var 57,8 km lang og det var seks poster; tre quiz poster og tre praktiske.
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Mange flotte biler ved oppstart - i forgrunnen en Mercedes 190SL. |
Etter start ved Vinterbrosenteret, gikk turen forbi Nesset og deretter langs østsiden av Årungen mot UMB og Meierikrysset. Tross bostedsadresse i Sandefjord har undertegnede bodd i disse traktene, så det var hyggelig å se Årungen og Ås igjen. Etter å ha gjettet vilt og hemningsløst på 10 spørsmål om ost (vel vi prøvde, men ble litt forstyrret av et trivelig vepsebol rett ved posten, så her ble det kreativ gjetting – som igjen resulterte i at vi vant en ost), gikk løypa videre til Kroer og Gullikrysset, hvor det var spørsmål om en kar ingen av oss hadde hørt om. Det gikk nok ikke så bra der. Bilen vi kjørte hadde ikke allverdens bakkeklaring, så vi sleit litt med den steinete parkeringsplassen der.
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Massiv front og prikkfri krom |
Neste stopp var Hagen skole, hvor det var en praktisk oppgave (fylle et rør med 1 liter vann praktisk talt i blinde) og for vår del piknik. Det var oppholdsvær og hyggelig å sette seg ned og ta en kafferast. Godt for ungene å få løpt litt også.
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Tysk og engelsk side om side. |
På vei til post fire i Tomter, glemte vi å lese kjørebeskrivelse, og var på god vei til harry handling i Sverige. Vi fikk kommet oss på rett vei, og kastet golfballer i potter og kasser (altså, dette var oppgaven på posten) mens regnet høljet ned. Derfra gikk veien til post fem, som befant seg ved Ski flyplass. Her gikk undertegnede i knestående, rent av skuffelse over egen inkompetanse til å kjenne igjen relativt veletablerte bilmerker. Men etter dette mentale sammenbruddet, kom vi oss av gårde igjen gjennom Ski og tilbake til Vinterbro, og målgang. Riktignok etter en liten konkurranse i pil-kast.
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Ford med frekke farger og særdeles pen krom. |
Det var en morsom kjøretur – det hadde selvsagt vært topp med bedre vær, men det er det ikke å gjøre noe med. Det er godt med premier, og det er hyggelig –særlig for ungene – at man får en liten premie med seg. Heder og ære til arrangørene for artige praktiske oppgaver, de var bra – og hyggelige folk på postene, i år som i fjor! For folk som ikke er kjent, så hadde det nok vært gunstig med skilting på noen strategiske steder. Ellers veldig effektive poster, med lite venting og mye kos.
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Suveren Jaguar - her var det ikke mye å pirke på! |
Håper vi får komme til neste år også!
Her følger litt flere bilder:
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Studebaker som vakte oppsikt - herlig grill og selvmordsdører. |
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Sofie i baksetet og Bente i foran- tidsriktig kledd for tur i en '66 Mustang. |
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Kan ikke huske å ha sett en slik Lotus før |
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Strøken Plymouth. |
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TR6'en rakk akkurat å bli klar for Vinterbroløpet etter omfattende jobb med bensintilførsel, fordeler og mer. |
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Motorkunst - noen som kjenner igjen motoren? |

From August 23-25 2013, the Corvette club in Scandinavia had their meet-up in Sandefjord. About 150 polished cars were shining in the sun. The models and age varied from late fifties Corvette to 2013 models.
Enjoy the pictures - click them to enlarge!
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Just beautiful - I believe it is a 1960 model closest to camera |
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They can still produce nice looking cars |
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Got to love that rear part |
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The original Corvette - driver and passenger following the correct dress code (time wise). |
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